Legislative and Regulatory

Representatives from NYOBS met with representatives of the Department of Financial Services as well as insurance company representatives in Albany in July.    DFS has regulatory authority over insurance companies. If you would like more information about the meeting, you need to become a member. We made great progress in our quest to have insurance companies reimburse for office based surgery facility fees.

For those of you who remain skeptical about whether we will be able to get reimbursement, the situation has changed dramatically recently.  As soon as there is more information about this it will be posted on this page, but you will need to be a member in order to be able to get the information.

You will also have access to information about the proper relationship of your OBS facility to anesthesiologists and outside surgeons.

In order to be able to see all of the content on this page, you need to become a member

If you were already a member of NYOBS and your membership has expired, please renew your membership now.

[Content protected for NYOBS.org members only]

Page last modified on: August 10th, 2013