
If you were  displaced from your usual operating room you may be able to use an office based surgery facility as long as you have a contractual relationship. You should consult with your healthcare attorney regarding this.

Please click on the list of accredited office based surgery facilities to look for an OBS facility in your county. Expedited credentialing can be accomplished.  There  is more information for members of NYOBS.

There are currently 3 organization which are allowed to accredit office based surgery facilities in New York State:  The Joint Commission, The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) and the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care ( AAAHC).

We will not discuss the benefits of each, but will leave that up to the various organizations which act as consultants.


[Content protected for members only]

Page last modified on: December 31st, 2017